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Sogedicom | Traduction & Interprétariat |
Sogedicom | Traduction & Interprétariat |
Sogedicom | Traduction & Interprétariat |

Legal Certified Translation Service since 1990

Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Professionnels du droit
Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Documents Officiels
Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Légalisation

Legal professionals: lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, legal affairs departments of companies and authorities and all legal professionals: contracts, articles of association, summons, court rulings, etc.


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Official documents : naturalisation applications, international adoptions, marital status documents, estates, applications for French and international universities – marital status records, birth certificates, marriage certificates, certificates of non-appeal, police records, diplomas, etc.

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Authentication : international authentication procedures with consulates, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

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Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Traduction économique & financière

Business correspondence, responses to international calls for tender, company presentations, descriptions of products and services, annual reports and financial communications.

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Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Marketing & Communication

From websites to brochures and European advertising campaigns, our talented translators create expressive and elegant text.

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Sogedicom | Traduction Interprétariat | Presse édition Médias

Providing the publishing world, written and audio-visual media with talented editorial translators, engaging commentators for French and other languages, experienced interpreters for press conferences and radio/television work.

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Sogedicom | Traduction & Interprétariat | Interprètes de conférence internationales

For your seminars, conferences or important business meetings, contact us for advice and a complete service: from the selection of interpreters to technical assistance.

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Sogedicom | Traduction & Interprétariat | Ingéniérie Linguistique
  • In-house training in new machines for Dutch operators.

  • Recording company videos in Portuguese, German and Italian.

  • Conducting language audits to assess the level of competence of employees in contact with English-speaking customers.


To address your unique language requirements, our specialist language engineering department offers you a completely tailored service.

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102, avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris • Métro George V


Accueil sans rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 19h

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